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Birthday or Shavuot table set up
Birthday or Shavuot table set up
Guess how many. Menorah with chanukah objects (matches, candles, coins, dreidels, potatoes, oliv ...
Guess how many. Menorah with chanukah objects ( ...
Shabbos candles set up
Shabbos candles set up
Pomegranate art
Pomegranate art
Besamim rose. Cinnamon stick and tule with cloves inside
Besamim rose. Cinnamon stick and tule with clov ...
Chanukah little candles shining
Chanukah little candles shining
2 tone dreidel decoration
2 tone dreidel decoration
Cupcake Purim costume
Cupcake Purim costume
Fun photo with kids
Fun photo with kids
Fun cards,
Fun cards,
Candy napkin deco
Candy napkin deco
Mezuzah pencil holders
Mezuzah pencil holders
Five senses of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipur
Five senses of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipur
Rose napking folding
Rose napking folding
MIni apple roses
MIni apple roses
Napking folding- Shirt
Napking folding- Shirt
Tu biShvat plates
Tu biShvat plates
Family Shanah Tova Card
Family Shanah Tova Card
Shanah Tova napkin ring
Shanah Tova napkin ring
Kotel snow globe
Kotel snow globe

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