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Yomim Tovim

Chanukah Lag Baomer Pessach Purim Rosh Hashanah Shavuot Sukkot Tu BiShvat Yom Kippur

Mini Hamentachen (bite size) with choco chip inside
Mini Hamentachen (bite size) with choco chip inside
Har Sinai cake
Har Sinai cake
Plague of Tzefardeya
Plague of Tzefardeya
Chanukah cake (pretzels and candy corn)
Chanukah cake (pretzels and candy corn)
Bonfire hand print
Bonfire hand print
Kids mishloach manot
Kids mishloach manot
Shavuot table decor
Shavuot table decor
Ice cream baloons
Ice cream baloons
CD dreidel
CD dreidel
Chanukah base for hot plates
Chanukah base for hot plates
Connect four with chocolate coins
Connect four with chocolate coins
Rosh Hashana apple print bag
Rosh Hashana apple print bag
Adding and subtracting lego game
Adding and subtracting lego game
Tiny suitcase with matches box (idea for mishloach manot
Tiny suitcase with matches box (idea for mishlo ...
Purim clown shoes
Purim clown shoes
Homemade game pieces ; )
Homemade game pieces ; )

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