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Charosset apple dish
Charosset apple dish
Pessach napking rings
Pessach napking rings
Kriyat Yam Suf kids painting
Kriyat Yam Suf kids painting
4 large baking potatoes (approx. 1.3-1.5 kg)
1 egg
100g potato flour + extra for rolling out
35g ...
4 large baking potatoes (approx. 1.3-1.5 kg) 1 ...
Stained glass with contact paper
Stained glass with contact paper
Mordechai “mask” (cut out mouth and let the funny show begin)
Mordechai “mask” (cut out mouth and ...
Queen Ester “mask” (cut out mouth and let the funny show begin)
Queen Ester “mask” (cut out mouth a ...
Achashverosh “mask” (cut out mouth and let the funny show begin)
Achashverosh “mask” (cut out mouth ...
Haman “mask” (cut out mouth and let the funny show begin)
Haman “mask” (cut out mouth and let ...
Fun way to serve veggies
Fun way to serve veggies
Lighthouse deco
Lighthouse deco
Cake ices
Cake ices
Lulav Chalah
Lulav Chalah
Pineapple with wine and choco truffles
Pineapple with wine and choco truffles
Fish costume
Fish costume
Day 6 creation
Day 6 creation
Day 5 creation
Day 5 creation
Day 4 of creation
Day 4 of creation
Day 3 creation
Day 3 creation
Day 2 creation
Day 2 creation

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